Your help is needed!

Your donation will help us provide desperately needed PPE to NAS ambulance crews.
Thank you!
Why do we need your help financing PPE in Nepal?
Personal Protective Equipment is in short supply the world over. However in Nepal – a country with just a fraction of the resources available to governments in the West – this life threatening shortage is particularly acute.
In the face of inadequate supplies of PPE Nepal Ambulance Service crews are nevertheless responding to an unprecedented demand for its ambulances as a result of Covid-19 and in the process putting their own lives at risk.
Friends of Nepal Ambulance Service seek to reduce these risks by financing and supporting the acquisition of PPE in Kathmandu from various sources as they become available.
Can you help us with this campaign? Please use the donor box above to contribute.
Thank you for your support.

Protect Ambulance Crews

Duty calls
Out of a sense duty NAS ambulance crews will respond to calls whether there is adequate PPE or not.

New Models of EMS for Nepal
Friends of Nepal Ambulance Service are committed to the long-term development of quality Emergency Medical Services in Nepal and to exploring completely new models of EMS for a country where the remoteness of much of Nepal’s population in the mountainous terrain beyond established road networks makes access to health infrastructure extremely difficult.
Beyond questions of terrain, FoNAS studies have also shown there are complex traditional and cultural attitudes which complicate the delivery of EMS. We need your support to better understand these issues and implement appropriate interventions to overcome them.